11 oct 2010

LEPA Boeing 737-800

After more than one month without time to anything...some screenshots taken in LEPA with some effects made with Photoshop.

31 ago 2010

Breguet 14 A2 over Paris

This is, no doubt is possible one of my favorites aircraft...maybe the absolute favorite if we consider only the old aircraft from the beggining of the XX century.
From the First World War, here we have the most popular biplane in those years. For military use first and adapted to de civil uses as mail tranport when the war was finished.
This is a freeware model developed by BENEAD and downloaded from x-plane.org. The scenery is from XPFR, freeware too.
In this ocasion, I offer to you a small selection of 3 sceenshot:

Finally, I have made a small movie called " Un paseo por los tiempos" showing with more details this beautiful aircraft fliyng over a magical city.

Un paseo por el tiempo from Antonio Thao on Vimeo.

See you on my next post!

26 ago 2010

About me

I've decided to keep this blog to share my main hobby: Spend time flying in virtual skies, sometime on line, sometime off line, taking screenshots. Three weeks ago, I renewed my old graphic card to a new one more powerful...well in fact I renewed the all PC machine. Now, I have enough power in the graphic card and the processor to share these pics with a minimum of quality. This post is my submission to future readers who may have this website. To all of them, thanks in advance.

So, let's go on, folks! First pics collection.  A local fligth in Seville, LEZL, testing the new machine. The scenery has been developed by the Spanish comunity of X-plane, the best site for this simulator in Spanish. http://www.x-plane.es/  . Seville-San Pablo Aiport is an transformation for myself from a FS scenery.
The livery is from spanish company Clickair, download from http://www.clickair-va.com/

The plane and also the livery are not very good. But I really like this plane because my firsts instrumental fligths was flown with this aircraft.

After the taxi to the holding point of runway 27 in LEZL, the take-off:

And finally, small route overflying Seville CTR, approach and landing by the same runway 27:

And that's all. My first fligth with the new machine. These screenshots have not been modificated with Photoshop.